Kate Schroder

Company: University of Queensland
Job title: Professor and Laboratory Head
Chairs Closing Remarks & End of Day Two 3:00 pm
day: Day 2
Panel Discussion: What are the Future Directions of the Inflammasome Therapeutics Landscape? A Glimpse into the Next 5 Years 2:30 pm
Reflecting on all the incredible insights shared today and our key takings, where do we see the inflammasome landscape going? Does commercial opportunity lie in tackling metabolic diseases or even with combination therapies? What is the feasibility and efficacy of targeting alternative inflammasomes across diverse disease sets? Discuss the areas of unmet needs with opportunity…Read more
day: Day 2
Chairs Opening Remarks 7:55 am
day: Day 2
Chairs Closing Remarks & End of Day One 6:00 pm
day: Day 1
Chair’s Opening Remarks 7:55 am
day: Day 1